June 8, 2016 Board Meeting Agenda

June 8, 2016  |  8:00pm
1115 12th Street, NW
UNIT 502

I.                   Call to Order
II.                Approval of Meeting Minutes
III.             Officer Reports
A.                Treasurer’s report
IV.             Old Business
A.                Management (TDW)
1.                  Taxes – due date
B.                 Yard
1.                  Landscaping – Capitol Citi Group estimate
a.       Snow removal
2.                  Replacement of landscaping lights
3.                  Removal of remaining lockboxes
C.                 Interior renovations (JDI) Status
a.       Carpet
b.      Drop ceiling on 7th floor
V.                New Business
A.          Pest control
B.           Property management
C.                 Owner requests and issues
1.      Padding under door unit 105
D.          Open Forum

VI.             Executive (Closed) Session
A.                Delinquencies
B.                 Litigation
C.                 Insurance claims
D.                Violations
E.                 Recap of votes via email since last Board meeting

VII.          Adjournment 


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