NOTICE: Monthly Board Meeting April 19

The New Plaza Board will be having it's monthly meeting on April 19th at 8:00pm in unit #502. These meetings will now be open to all unit owners.


I.               Call to Order
II.             Approval of Meeting Minutes
III.           Officer Reports
A.        Treasurer’s report
IV.           Old Business
A.        Management (TDW)
1.              DC Water Clean Rivers Impervious Area charge: update
2.              Taxes
3.              Repair of door/lock to electrical room
B.        Yard
1.              Trees:  All dead trees removed by JS Carroccio at their expense
2.              Landscaping
3.              Replacement of landscaping lights
4.              Removal of remaining lockboxes
5.              Snow removal
C.        Phase 2 interior renovations (JDI) Status
D.        Washer/dryer project
E.         Board operations and data management
1.     Bank signatories
2.     Master key sets for Board members
3.     Email to owners requesting proof of insurance and updated contact info 
V.             New Business
A.        Management (TDW)
1.     New lockbox in basement
C.        Yard
1.     Review and vote on proposals for new landscaping company
D.              Open Forum

VI.           Executive (Closed) Session – remove specifics for all points from public agenda
A.        Delinquencies
B.        Litigation
C.        Insurance claim
D.        Violations
E.         Recap of votes via email since last Board meeting

VII.         Adjournment


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