LAST CALL: Window Replacement for 01 and 02 Tier Units

Attention Owners in the 01 and 02 tiers who wish to replace unit windows:

Supreme Windows was able to secure a window replacement permit for Unit 502. The permit allows for brick-to-brick replacement of the "historic" (12th St- and Mass Ave-facing) windows-- meaning identical to how they are currently installed. Since brick-to-brick installation is allowed, the replacement cost per window will be reduced (by about $100 per window from what was originally quoted) and the estimated manufacturing/delivery time of the windows will be reduced.

In order to secure a SECOND, identical permit for ALL OTHER OWNERS in the 01 and 02 tiers who wish to replace their historic windows, we need to know exactly which owners/units are still interested in moving forward. The permit is valid for one year from the date it is secured, which gives owners some time to save/plan for window replacement.

PLEASE SEND the BOARD an EMAIL BY DECEMBER 2nd ( and indicate if you want to be included as a owner/unit covered under the second permit. The Association will cover the cost of securing this second permit, but please note that the permit fee incurred by the Association increases with each owner who elects to be included. So please reply affirmatively only if you are more likely than not to ultimately replace your windows in the next year.

In the meantime go ahead and reach out to Supreme Windows( or 301-322-3450) to have your windows measured and receive a quote/estimate for your unit; just know that the permit is a separate issue being handled by the Association.

Thanks for your patience with this back and forth process!


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