Special Meeting Results

Thanks to all owners who attended the July 29 Special Meeting, as well as to those who cast their proxy votes in advance. Thirty out of the thirty-three owners who were eligible to vote made their voices heard! The following is a brief summary of the Special Meeting.

Meeting called to order at 7:48pm by Board President, Adam Beebe. Secretary Julia Whitelock confirmed 22 owner proxy votes cast online and 8 unit owners present at the meeting, which exceeded Bylaw requirements for establishing quorum.

Per NPCA Bylaws, adoption of the six (6) proposed Bylaw amendments each required approval of 2/3 of all owners who were eligible to vote (22 votes out of 33 total).

Per NPCA Bylaws, adoption of the proposed lobby renovation required simple majority approval of all owners who were eligible to vote (17 votes out of 33 total).


The final vote count was as follows:

Bylaw Amendment #1 (Annual Meetings)... 29 IN FAVOR... 0 OPPOSED... 1 ABSTENTION
AMENDMENT ADOPTED - The suggested text will be removed from Article III, Section 3.4.

Bylaw Amendment #2 (Special Meeting)... 29 IN FAVOR... 1 OPPOSED... 0 ABSTENTIONS
AMENDMENT ADOPTED - Article III, Section 3.5 to be renamed "Special Meetings;" Section shall be re-written as suggested.

Bylaw Amendment #3 (Notices)... 29 IN FAVOR... 0 OPPOSED... 1 ABSTENTION
AMENDMENT ADOPTED - Language will be added to Article III, Section 3.6 to authorize the transmission of official notices to owners via email.

Bylaw Amendment #4 (Powers and Duties)... 25 IN FAVOR... 4 OPPOSED... 1 ABSTENTION
AMENDMENT ADOPTED - Language will be added to Article IV, Section 4.1 authorizing the Board to "borrow money on behalf of the Condominium when required in connection with the operation, care, upkeep and maintenance of the Condominium; provided, however, that at no time shall funds be borrowed without the prior approval of at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of the votes of unit owners present, in person or by proxy, and a meeting of the Association duly called and held for such purpose, and at which a quorum is present.”

This section will also be amended to codify the Board's authority to impose sanctions for violations of the governing documents (including the non-payment of assessments), including the suspension of an owner’s privilege to use any recreational facilities.

Bylaw Amendment #5 (Elections)... 28 IN FAVOR... 1 OPPOSED... 1 ABSTENTION
AMENDMENT ADOPTED - Article IV, Sections 4.3 and 4.4 will be amended as follows:
(4.3) The affairs of the Council shall be governed by the Board of Directors composed of five persons, all of who shall be members of the Association. Two members of the same household, or two persons who are married to each other, or are domestic partners of each other, or are co-owners of the same unit, may not serve simultaneously on the Board of Directors.

(4.4) The term of office of each Director shall be two (2) years. The Directors shall hold office until their successors have been elected and hold their first meeting.

Bylaw Amendment #6 (Additions/Alterations)... 22 IN FAVOR... 6 OPPOSED... 2 ABSTENTIONS
AMENDMENT ADOPTED - Article III, Section 3.6 will be rewritten such that "any additions, alterations or improvements costing $20,000 or less during any period of 12 consecutive months may be made by the Board of Directors without approval of the Unit Owners and the cost thereof shall constitute part of the Common Expenses." The previous threshold was $5,000.

The Association's Attorney will prepare and record a document in the D.C. Land Records outlining the amendments. This document will be incorporated into the Bylaws, and must be included in all future distributed copies of the Bylaws.


Proposed lobby renovation... 25 IN FAVOR... 5 OPPOSED... 0 ABSTENTIONS
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT APPROVED - The Board will keep all residents informed throughout the process from start to finish. The renovation will NOT start for AT LEAST 12 weeks. The actual renovation time is estimated to be between 7-10 work days.


Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm.


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