
Showing posts from July, 2014

Special Meeting Results

Thanks to all owners who attended the July 29 Special Meeting, as well as to those who cast their proxy votes in advance. Thirty out of the thirty-three owners who were eligible to vote made their voices heard! The following is a brief summary of the Special Meeting. Meeting called to order at 7:48pm by Board President, Adam Beebe. Secretary Julia Whitelock confirmed 22 owner proxy votes cast online and 8 unit owners present at the meeting, which exceeded Bylaw requirements for establishing quorum. Per NPCA Bylaws, adoption of the six (6) proposed Bylaw amendments each required approval of 2/3 of all owners who were eligible to vote (22 votes out of 33 total). Per NPCA Bylaws, adoption of the proposed lobby renovation required simple majority approval of all owners who were eligible to vote (17 votes out of 33 total). ****** The final vote count was as follows: Bylaw Amendment #1 (Annual Meetings) ... 29 IN FAVOR... 0 OPPOSED... 1 ABSTENTION AMENDMENT ADOPTED   - The suggested text wil

Final Reminder: Special Meeting Tonight

The Special Meeting to vote on six (6) proposed Bylaw amendments and the lobby renovation/redesign is tonight in Unit #502 . The meeting will start promptly at 7:45pm . If you cannot attend the meeting tonight-- or if it looks like you won't be able to arrive on time-- please submit your Proxy Vote online . Every vote counts, and we want every owner's voice to be heard! Thanks to everyone who has already submitted their proxy vote online.

Please Cast Your Special Meeting Vote

A friendly reminder to please review the Special Meeting informational packet (available at ) and cast your vote if you are unable to attend this coming Tuesday, July 29 at 7:45pm in Unit #502. The Board is making every effort to ensure all owners have the opportunity to learn about the proposed Bylaw amendments and lobby renovation, and ask questions and post comments. We want to be sure every owner casts an informed vote on both matters. The Special Meeting on July 29 will be very brief. Since exhaustive information about both business items is readily available on the above website, the Board President will call an immediate vote unless attendees have specific questions or points of discussion that are not already addressed in the Special Meeting packet or above website. Please take a moment now to review the packet, ask questions, post comments, and cast your vote. Two-thirds of unit owners (25 out of 37) are needed to have quorum and vote on

A Few Announcements

A few mid-month announcements: Patio umbrella.  The umbrella has arrived and been set up on the patio. Follow the simple instructions that are taped near the crank handle for operating instructions (to raise the umbrella, and to have it tilt at an angle). Please remember to close the umbrella after each use.  The Board ordered and installed an additional 30lb. weight to the base of the umbrella to discourage opportunistic theft. New laundry machines.  Our laundry machine vendor has delayed installation of the new machines... yet again. It has been a very frustrating process for the Board, but unfortunately the only other laundry machine vendor option is not as good. So we're stuck being patient and forgiving. Please continue to be patient with us. Special Meeting business items.  Please, please, please review the information you have received about the July 29 Special Meeting. These business items are very important, and we need all owners to cast their votes. You can find all info

Special Meeting packet

Attention Owners: (Renters, please disregard) Later today, you should receive (via email) a PDF packet of documents related to the July 29, 2014 Special Meeting  at 7:45pm in Unit #502 called by the Board of Directors. The Board is calling the Special Meeting to conduct a vote on the following two business items: Six (6) proposed amendments to the Association Bylaws, and A proposed redesign and renovation of the building lobby. You will also receive a hard copy of the packet via U.S. mail within the coming days. It is extremely important that all unit owners’ voices are heard for these two business items. The Bylaw amendments require 2/3 approval of ALL unit owners who are eligible to vote. The lobby renovation requires simple majority (51%) approval. All of the information contained within the packet is ALSO available on the following website created by the Board, where you are encouraged to read more about the two Special Meeting business items, and post comments and questions fo

Board Meeting Summary, June 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT: Special Meeting The Board is going to call a Special Meeting on July 29 at 7:45 pm in Unit #502 so that the Association may review and vote on seven proposed Bylaw amendments, as well as a proposal for renovation of the building lobby. You will receive a notice and information about proxy voting closer to that date. Lobby Renovation The Board is working closely with JD Ireland Interior Architecture + Design to finalize a proposal for the building lobby renovation. The Board will submit the proposal to the Association for a vote at the Special Meeting referenced above. Laundry Machines We anticipate that the new laundry machines will be installed at the end of July, beginning of August. We will keep you informed on progress of the installation. New Call Box The new call box has been installed. The storm a week ago knocked it out, but new wiring in the basement was installed so that this shouldn't happen again. At least two residents-- who do not have phone numbers

Reminder: July Condo Fees

Please log on to  to check your current condo fees balance. Please remit payment (either by check via mail, or online payment via checking account transfer) to Thos. D. Walsh  no later than the 15th of the month  to avoid late fees and interest charges. Call Thos. D. Walsh at (202) 237-8488 and ask for Blake Barber or Keith Carr if you have any questions.