
Showing posts from May, 2012

Reminder: Pet Waste in Front Yard

It has come to the Board's attention that there are several piles of dog feces in the front yard area. As a reminder, House Rules state that "pets are not allowed to urinate or defecate on New Plaza property, which includes the garden, front yard, and front steps." Please take your pet to the bathroom elsewhere before letting it play in the front yard. If your dog does go to the bathroom in the yard, please be diligent about removing its waste. On a recent visit, the exterminator for New Plaza explained that dog feces attracts rats, which have been an ongoing issue of concern in the neighborhood. Additionally, keep in mind that while dogs may play in the yard, we ask that owners keep them from digging, marking, or otherwise damaging the plants and grass.

Grill Calendar

The Board has set up an online calendar on the New Plaza blog for residents to reserve use of the front yard grill. The calendar is located on the "Grill Calendar" page of the blog. Instructions on how to reserve the grill, as well as Grill Rules can be found on the Grill Calendar page .

New Apartment Door Plaques

Dear New Plaza Residents, As you know, we have been replacing apartment numbers throughout the building. We have knocked on all doors a few times, but haven't been able to catch some of you. This week, we will be installing door plaques during the following times: Wednesday, May 23 – between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m.     Thursday, May 24 – between 6:30 and 9:00 p.m.   If your door plaque has not been installed yet, PLEASE CALL Jody Lyle (202-906-9933) to schedule a time when we can replace your door number. It takes about 10 minutes to remove the old hardware and install the new plaque. If these times are bad, we’ll work something out. Thank you! - New Plaza Condo Board

New Plaza Leasing Policy

On May 7, 2012, the Board released a memorandum about leasing policy and restrictions for units in New Plaza. The full memo is copied below for your reference. NEW PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 7, 2012 Dear New Plaza Owners: As you should all be aware, your ability to lease out your unit is subject to certain restrictions contained in the Association's Bylaws and House Rules. These restrictions impose limitations on the total number of units which may be rented in the building at any one time and set forth the process by which the Association implements the restrictions. Specifically, large numbers of rentals can adversely impact market values in two ways: 1) Condominiums with a large number of renters are less desirable to purchasers, and create a building environment that is more transient and less considerate of rules and the building generally; 2) If a building exceeds certain thresholds of non-owner-occupants, then some types of fin

Welcome to Our Condo Association Blog!

Welcome to the New Plaza Condo Association blog! This private, password-protected blog is provided as a courtesy to the owners and members of the New Plaza Condo Association and is maintained by the Condo Board. The intent of this blog is to keep owners updated and informed about various issues of general interest related to the building, and to promote communication among owners about these issues. Continue to read below for additional information about this blog and its features.  Thanks, - The New Plaza Condo Association Board of Directors Posts   All posts (found here on the main page) are labeled and archived so that they may be retrieved at any time in the future using the"Blog Archive" or "Topics" sections on the right hand side of this blog. Only Board members can create posts, but all owners may comments on both posts and pages, and are encouraged to do so. Owners may submit posts to for consideration and inclusion on the blog. Commen