
Showing posts from May, 2014

Plant Watering

Thanks to all who have expressed interest in helping water the new plants over the coming weeks. Please take a moment to add your name to the calendar (using the link below) if you have not already, so that we don't have overlap. Specific watering instructions have been added to the second tab in the document. Watering takes only 10-15 minutes in the morning, and it's kind of fun! Garden hose and unsolicited comments from passer-bys are included. Thanks again! Link to calendar: spreadsheets/d/1tLBislTyYU_ wII852DzJYkhhRalyPZDU7PFVpQ8CL Vo/edit?usp=sharing

Board Meeting Summary, May 2014

Landscaping and Tree Removal We hope you're enjoying the new Emerald Green Arborvitae and other yard landscaping. Next week, two beds of begonias will be installed, one on each side of the entry way. While we await a response from our application to the DDOE's "RiverSmart" program for a new tree (potentially next fall if program funding is available), Adam has planted flowers and ferns to beautify the remaining stump. Please be advised that dogs are still not permitted in the yard to allow the plants and grass to take root and thrive.  The Board will revisit this decision after Labor Day. Grill Now that the landscaping is done, the grill will finally be put in the front yard this weekend. If there are volunteers to help carry it upstairs from the basement, it can be done sooner! Please remember to use the  Grill Calendar  to reserve the grill. Lobby Renovation The interior designer has begun work and the Board will review preliminary designs in early June.   Cleaning

Project Update: Building Repointing & Yard

Quick update on two projects... 1) the building repointing is finished. The contractor touched up all problem areas, which were mainly concentrated on the first four stories of the street-facing building facades. 2) Our landscaper will be on site tomorrow for most of the day installing new plantings in both the big and small yards. The plantings will include replacement plantings for those that didn't take last fall; new flower beds on both sides of the entryway; and new plants to fill in many of the mulched areas. To ensure this round of landscaping fares well, we're asking residents to volunteer to water the plantings every morning (before 9am) for the next four weeks. Please use the below link to a Google Doc to sign up for open spots. If possible, we're asking folks to sign up for at least two days in a row. Specific watering instructions are also included. And one last

New Plaza Residents Now Eligible for Visitor Parking Program

One more announcement we meant to include in this morning's update email: New Plaza residents (as well as all residents in the ANC 2F district who live at Residential Parking Permit-eligible addresses), as of just yesterday, are now eligible to request a Visitor Parking Pass (VPP) from DDOT. Each unit is eligible for a maximum of one VPP. The current VPP is a pilot program, and will be valid through September 30, 2014. Please see the following post on ANC 2F's blog about the process for requesting a VPP. We no longer have to go to the police station to obtain a guest parking pass! Woo hoo!

Board Meeting Summary, April 2014

Building Repointing Please note, building repointing of the exterior brick is scheduled to begin tomorrow,  Wednesday, May 7 . Some scaffolding may be erected. The workers will be mindful of folks below, but please also be mindful of them above! Landscaping and Tree Removal The tree of heaven has been removed!  The Board is considering options for “beautifying” the stump. We have also applied for a DDOT city tree planting program in hopes of planting a new tree in the yard. Additionally, in the next three weeks, new Emerald Green Arborvitae will be planted as well as a number of perennials and annuals to bring color to our yard. Please be advised that dogs are still not permitted in the yard to allow the plants and grass to take root and thrive.  The Board will revisit this decision after Labor Day. Grill Spring is here (reluctantly it seems).  The grill will be placed in the yard by this weekend.  Please remember to use the  Grill Calendar  to reserve the grill. Laundry Machines The

Reminder: May Condo Fees

Please log on to  to check your current condo fees balance. Please remit payment (either by check via mail, or online payment via checking account transfer) to Thos. D. Walsh  no later than the 15th of the month  to avoid late fees and interest charges. Call Thos. D. Walsh at (202) 237-8488 and ask for Blake Barber or Keith Carr if you have any questions.