
Showing posts from December, 2013

Board Meeting Summary, December 2013

December 10, 2013 Board Meeting Summary (In Brief) Note: The Board did not meet in November 2013. 2014 Annual Meeting Scheduled for January 28 at 8:00 pm in Unit #502 Next week, TDW will send formal notice via regular mail of the 2014 Annual Meeting along with additional information about director position vacancies and elections. Please consider supporting your Condo Association and contributing to the betterment of our building by running for one of the five Director positions, at least one of which is uncontested. Tree of Heaven Removal Our landscaping contractor has been working on obtaining the necessary permitting from the DC government. Unfortunately, it has taken much longer than anticipated to secure the permits. Once the permits are issued, the Board will inform residents about the scheduled date(s) and time of removal. Laundry Machines The Association is in the final stages of finalizing a new laundry machine contract with our current vendor. The estimated installation date

New Mailbox Labels

New labels for resident mailboxes in the lobby were printed and inserted today. If the name(s) on your label are misspelled or incorrect, please email to request a new label.

Call Box Repair Complete

The building call box has been repaired and is functioning as normal.

Notice of Security Camera System Upgrade

FYI - a contractor will be on site today and tomorrow (Thursday) to make upgrades to our current security camera system, including installation of a new security camera on the building exterior. The contractor will be working in the lobby (specifically at the bottom of the stairs), in the basement, and on the building exterior. Apologies for the last minute notice.

Building call box

As you may have noticed, the building call box is not working properly. Repair service is scheduled for Thursday. In the meantime, visitors and delivery persons will not be able to contact residents through the call box nor will residents be able to buzz visitors in. The call box's key fob entry system is still working, however. Thanks in advance for your patience while TDW resolves this issue.

Reminder: December Condo Fees

Please log on to  to check your current condo fees balance. Please remit payment (either by check via mail, or online payment via checking account transfer) to Thos. D. Walsh  no later than the 15th of the month  to avoid late fees and interest charges. Call Thos. D. Walsh at (202) 237-8488 and ask for Blake Barber or Keith Carr if you have any questions.