
Showing posts from March, 2013

Reminder: Increase in Condo Fees Starts Tomorrow

The Board would like to remind residents that the 10% increase in Condo fees approved by the Board early this year begins tomorrow, April 1, 2013. If you use automatic banking/bill pay, be sure to adjust the amount debited from your account.

City Council Candidates Forum - March 13th

The Logan Circle Community Association (LCCA), ANC District 2F, and the Cambridge Tenants Association are sponsoring a City Council Candidates Forum on Wednesday, March 13 at 7pm in the Washington Plaza Hotel. The forum is an opportunity for residents to ask questions to the candidates running for the open at-large seat, and hear about the candidates' positions on city-wide and Logan Circle issues. The election will be April 23, 2013. See flyer below for more information (Note: you may need to view this post on the actual condo blog in order to see the flyer).

New House Rules Regarding Rental Units

FYI, for those who were not in attendance at the annual owners' meeting in January. The following replaced the existing like section in the House Rules governing the NPCA rental rules as of 1/31/13: The NPCA Lease Agreement must be used as the leasing document. This is a one year lease agreement. Any addenda to the lease contract must conform to NPCA Bylaws and House Rules. Lease terms must be yearly, and month-to-month renewals are not allowed.  Tenants are not allowed to sublet. Currently, tenants are allowed to own pets in the building as permitted by the Unit Owner. Any Owner who is delinquent in paying any assessed NPCA fees is ineligible to lease their Unit until such delinquency has been remedied. No more than 25% of the units (10 units total) can be leased at any given time (see Article VI, Section 8 (B) #14). Should NPCA reach its threshold for leases, the Board will consider requests on a case-by-case basis. Once the threshold for leases is achieved, the following guideli

DDOT Proposal for 12th & Mass Ave Intersection

On Friday, March 1, 2013, our ANC Representative Matt Connolly met with a representative from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) regarding the neighborhood's issues with gridlock, pedestrian safety, and noise at the intersection of 12th St and Massachusetts Ave, NW. DDOT has proposed the following changes to the intersection: Revised traffic markings on 12th St., south of Massachusetts Ave: Currently on 12th street between Massachusetts Ave and L St, NW, there are three traffic lanes: right turn only, straight or left turn, and left turn only. DDOT proposes making FOUR traffic lanes: left turn only, left turn or straight, straight only, and right turn only. As part of this reconfiguration, the five parking spaces on the WEST side of 12th street in front of the the Church of Ascension & St. will be removed , in order to allow space for the two "straight" lanes to merge on 12th St north of Massachusetts Ave. Traffic camera:  DDOT will recommend to the Dist