
Showing posts from November, 2012

Laundry Machine Usage

New Plaza Residents, Please be mindful about how long you leave your fully washed clothes in the washing machines and dried clothes in the driers. In recent weeks the Board has received several complaints about individuals who have used multiple machines at the same time and proceeded to leave their wet (and dry) clothes in the machines for hours after the cycles were finished, preventing others from using the machines. Thanks.

HVAC Company Recommendation Needed

Dear New Plaza Residents, Jeff Parsons in Unit #105 is in urgent need of a recommendation for a great repair person or company for AC/heating units... preferably someone who has worked on units in the building before. If you have a recommendation, please contact Jeff ASAP at  or (202) 425-3404.

ANC Commissioner Election (2F-08)

Election Day is almost upon us. In addition to voting in the presidential and city council elections, residents will have the opportunity to vote for our ANC Commissioner (2F-08), which is a contested seat this year. The Board has met with both Mr. Matt Connolly (incumbent) and Mr. Howard Marks (challenger), and feels confident that both candidates would represent our neighborhood well. We encourage you, however, to review their individual statements and interviews on the Borderstan blog to better familiarize yourself with the candidates: Matt Connolly Howard Marks Our current ANC Commissioner Matt Connolly as been instrumental in helping our neighborhood take on the rat problem existing at both 1111 and 1113 Massachusetts Avenue. He has written letters, taken photographs, and attended meetings on our behalf and has been crucial in coordinating between the neighbors, the DC Department of Public Works, the DC Department of Health, and City Councilmember Jack Evans' office. As a