
Showing posts from July, 2012

Reminder: Remove All Items from Bike Room

As a reminder, all bicycles and other items must be removed from the bike room by this Sunday, August 5th to allow for scheduled improvements. Unclaimed bicycles will be removed and donated, and all other items will be placed in the trash area. Email the Board at with any questions or concerns.

Reminders: Building Entry & Trash Area

Building Entry In light of a recent robbery in the building, the Board would like to remind all residents to only allow known people to enter the building with you. Visitors should use the call box to gain access to the building. If a visitor enters the building with you, please ask who they're visiting. The thieves in this particular instance specifically targeted the unit when they knew the resident wasn't home and entered the building behind a postal worker. Tilmon has notified the postal carriers and trash collectors not to let anyone in the building with them.   Trash Area Given the small size of our building trash area, a lack of common courtesy results in garbage mayhem. There's been a lot of garbage mayhem recently, and it's not pretty. Please help keep the trash area as uncluttered as possible by practicing the following rubbish etiquette: Break down ALL cardboard boxes and stack them next to the trash cans. Dispose of packing items (Styrofoam, plastic, etc.) i

Board Updates | July 26, 2012

Visit the "Board Updates" page of the New Plaza Condo Association Blog ( click here ) for new updates to the following issues: Bike Room Reconfiguration Building Entry Door Replacement Rats in the Neighborhood New Door Plates

Bicycle Room Renovations

Dear New Plaza Residents, The Board has hired BicyclePASS , a local expert in bicycle parking and sharing solutions, to reconfigure the basement bicycle room in the coming weeks. The new configuration will feature higher quality storage hardware, improved flow in and out of the room, and increased bicycle storage capacity. In order to allow for reconfiguration, RESIDENTS MUST REMOVE BICYCLES AND ALL OTHER ITEMS FROM THE BIKE ROOM BY SUNDAY, AUGUST 5TH . Neither the Board nor Tilmon Properties will assume any responsibility for items not removed by this time. Unclaimed bikes will be removed and donated, and all other items will be placed in the trash area. The bike room reconfiguration is planned as follows, and is subject to change with advanced notice: Thu, Jul 26 (5pm) Deadline for owners on basement, first, and second floors to contact Board and arrange for installation of bicycle storage hardware in their apartments, if desired* Sun, Aug 5 DATE BY WHICH ALL ITEMS MU

Board Updates | July 6, 2012

Visit the "Board Updates" page of the New Plaza Condo Association Blog ( click here ) for new updates to the following issues: Rats in the Neighborhood Bike Room Reconfiguration New Door Plates